Sunday, August 14, 2011

Time to blog?

I have been trying to get more into blogging, so that my son has at least some record of his young years, as well as letting my family follow his life since most of them live in different parts of the country.  I am trying to find the time to upload pictures, write some nice prose to go along with the pictures, and make the blog entries beautiful and meaningful.  I am also trying to work full time (with a 2 hr round trip commute in there), be a good mom, spend time with my family and cook and keep the house relatively clean.  Oh and keep up with my interests too, like Twitter, Facebook, reading, visiting family and friends.  I haven't even mentioned how I should try to get in shape/lose weight (or just how to stop getting colds all the time would be fine right now too).

I love my life, as tiring as it is.  I think summer was the wrong time to try focusing on getting more into blogging, because we are hardly ever home in the summer, so it makes it even harder to find the time and energy to sit down and blog.  Plus I haven't even had the time to sit down and read all the blogs I love to read.  I barely have time to call my relatives and chat.

I know, it's the same story for pretty much every Mom out there.  If any of you Moms have any tried and true advice for me, I'd love to hear it.  In the meantime, I will go back to my hectic life and let everyone else go back to theirs.


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